REF TEK’s latest generation broadband seismic recorder has a 32-bit A/D performance boost and a large dynamic range.
The uniaxial 131D-01/1 is single-axis ±4g full scale accelerometer with a noise performance of 1.2 μg/rtHz.
The compact REF TEK® Colt-PH™ broadband seismometer provides high quality data for scientists conducting earth movement studies.

Earthquake Early Warning Systems

Earthquakes pose significant and potentially catastrophic risk to urban areas located near major active fault lines and offshore subduction zones.  Earthquake early warning systems (EEW) have

road destroyed by earthquake

Earthquake Aftershock Studies

Large aftershocks pose a substantial hazard to populated areas. Sometimes they can cause more damage, injury and fatalities than the main shock.

active volcano
The 147A Low Noise model is +/- 4g full scale and provides excellent dynamic range which is useful when used with 24-bit digitizers like the REF TEK 130S Series Data Loggers and the 130-MC recorder.
This flexible and portable broadband seismometer is ideal for portable deployments and rugged enough for long term deployment in local and regional networks.
REF TEK’s latest generation broadband seismic recorder has a 32-bit A/D performance boost and a large dynamic range.